2 day Table Mountain trail with Bio-medial Students

On January 12, 2013 by Christopher Smith

I had the great pleasure of guiding a group of Bio-medial Students on Table Mountain. On the Morning of the 12th we set out to make our way to the Orangekloof overnight huts from Silvermine Reserve. The weather condition was amazing. Upon my introduction I could see that some were still making that transition of the time change. I then gave them the briefing of what is to come and the distance before we reach our overnight point. This was greeted with much surprise and mixed feelings of enthusiasm. We then started making our way to the first ascent of the day; this quickly gave realisation of the day ahead and when we made our first stop for pictures this was when everybody came too. A silence hung for a few seconds before everybody started oohing and aaahing. 

Table Mountain South Africa hike - med students 1

BIO – Med students of North Western Uni at the Houtbay Lookout

The First day came to an end and everybody was well amazed. Day 2 went great, a few stiff muscles but that was not going to hold this group back. They challenged Table Mountain and Conquered it. There cheers and laughter all around. It was for me a great privilege to have Guided this group.


Table Mountain south Agrica guided treks

BIO MED students at the Cape of Good Hope


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